So You Think You Can Parse?

PowerShell treats input differently when operating on command arguments - but how can we programmatically force PowerShell to recognize and parse a string in argument mode? Let's find »

Fun with Select-Object (and ProxyCommand)

PowerShell's "calculated properties" and the Select-Object cmdlet makes transforming objects in the middle of an operation fairly easy, and I certainly use it all the time »

.NET Generics Par L'Exemple: Array Rotation

As you might be aware, I'm a huge .NET fanboy, and so today we're not going to talk about PowerShell, but about a core feature of »

Replicate a single object without repadmin.exe

How can I delete an active directory computer account object and instantly replicate the object deletion on another Domain Controller? - Let's find out! What happens during " »

Extending the ADUserCache class

The ADUserCache class that we wrote previously [] seems to be a pretty good base to start from, let's see what else we can »

Simulating Faulty Windows Services

A friend of mine wants to simulate a faulty Windows Service, so today we'll talk about something other than PowerShell... okay maybe we'll talk a little »

Caching AD objects with PowerShell Classes!

Implementing caching in PowerShell [] is easy, but can we make it more transparent to the user? Let's see how we might use PowerShell »

PowerShell Caching Strategies: Querying Active Directory

The concept of DRY - "Don't Repeat Yourself", can apply not only to the code you write, but also to the information you collect at runtime. »

Enumerating DFS Namespaces with PowerShell

A domain-based DFS Namespace is not like regular file share on a single server. So what to do when you need to discover domain-based shares? Let's see if »

Identifying Well-Known Security Principals with confidence

Once in a while, you may find yourself in need of identifying and/or interacting with well-known and well-defined security principals, like the builtin Administrator account, the SYSTEM account or »